Delhi Emissions :
People in delhi are dying. Delhi, capital of india, is now one of the most polluted cities in the world. It is polluted in almost all the ways. Air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, over population and many more. But now, Delhi is known for its polluted air and water. Air pollution in delhi has become such a big issue that people are warned to not to step out of their house. Schools and colleges have been shut down due to fear of certain respiratory diseases. Air pollution is the increase in the toxic and harmful materials in the air which results in contamination of air. These toxic and harmful materials can be in various forms which are released by various human activities. Delhi is a home for almost 1.7 million people and there have been reports that the death rate in Delhi is high and it is mainly due to the respiratory problems.
This air pollution mainly due to the smoke emissions carried out during the burning of crops, industries, vehicle emissions etc. Delhi shares its border with Haryana and Uttarpradesh. During the month of October and november farmers of this area burn their crops and this produces a lot of smoke. During winter season, dust particles and pollutants in the air become heavy and become unable to move. Due to this the wind carries all the pollutants and dust particles which get locked in the air, resulting in smog.
As Delhi is highly populated, there are more than 9 million registered vehicles. The traffic causes the city to come to a halt on weekends. Vehicular emissions are termed as a major contributor to Delhi’s increasing air pollution. Apart from these, pollution is also caused by high density, industries and thermal power plants, construction activities, fire crackers and many more. Air pollution in india is estimated to kill over 1.5 million people ever year and the main contributor to this is Delhi.
According to the WHO, India has the world's highest death rate from chronic respiratory diseases and asthma. Air pollution also impacts the environment through reduced visibility, acid rain and formation of ozone at tropospheric level. People are depending on air purifying masks and machines to consume the most basic Oxygen.
Although many steps have been taken to solve this problems of pollution, people are negligent towards this. All we need to do is stop doing the activities which lead to air pollution. It is not just us who are suffering. Many animals, insects, birds are losing their life. They’re suffering even though there is no mistake from them. Today, it’s just Delhi. Tomorrow it might be the whole world. So take action to save your life, save the lives of your family and save the lives of those innocent organisms.
Industries should have air purifiers so that the air which is emitted will be purified. Burning of crops should be stopped. We should avoid using vehicles for short distance. Public transports must be utilised properly. Usage of AC, refrigerator and other appliances which release harmful gases must be reduced. Above all this, we should follow the orders of the government. If we all get together we can stop this pollution and save our earth!!
Vidhisha Gauthami.G.P